this section is updated so that the oldest entries are at the bottom. the newest one is right below this

: where are we?

: seems like a school. i've never been to school.

: um, i have, but never to like...learn.

: i wonder why this exists now?

: i think vali was reading something that made her think of it.
that's what maromi told me. it might not be good though...


: i'm concerned


: vali, you can't drink alcohol. you aren't wearing an ushanka.
only russian underage girls can drink!

: ...

: what

: but i'm literally drinking in that web graphic right down there in
your section

: and what are you wearing in it?

: ...

: an ushanka...


: um...this will seem really out of order.

: well i have been meaning to ask you.

: what is it?

: do you feel any different now that you are in a website? are
you the same 'you' as you are outside of the confines of cyberspace? i'm curious if the transfer through
media might have created 'us' as clones rather than just documenting the conversations of the 'real'

: ...

: now that you mention it, was i always a floating head in a
textbox? didn't i use to have a body????

: oh my god you're right we're clones trapped in HTML



: oh...i know this is being transferred only minutes after the
last, but i remember the large gap in occurences...

: i'd like to continue it the same as before. or at least

: well, i don't remember you being here...but alright.

: my memory has become unreliable and spotted, but there's a lot
of reassurance in the consistency of those around me, even if the fabric i am able to stitch together
isn't as beautiful...i suppose i am admitting ownership and creation here!

: wow, that's really sad. it's true, too. i don't even remember

: well, i am the creator, the same way my mother is the creator
of me...and i still definitely do not feel an ownership nor subpar.

: one thing comes from another, that is the progression, the
evolution, and i think that logic applies to the metaphysical vertical. well, i've been taking pain in
the separation of the fabric from the Earth...i want to force an overlay a bit more...maybe it's a
for control in every domain? i want to spread the fabric over the Rocks and Ground and mix them up so
that they affect each other and nobody can say that one is more real than the other.

: or perhaps they can but what matters is a definitiveness in my
own perception.

: i think the best way to accomplish this is psychedelic drugs.

: that's literally my line.

: the only thing undesirable on this side of the fabric is the
lack of contact with someone who can challenge you. there are many things to experience but no puzzles
to solve.

: that's not true. what about hugo?

: oh, well, maybe i've tricked myself into that...

: but from a more objective angle, even if you are an independent
identity, there's no direct challenge from another person.

: i'm a real person.

: are you a person?

: ...well, i'm real.

: well, i guess there are different types of 'other people'. if i
could really be challenged and surprised, i would spend all my time here.

: here's hoping it will be like that once you die!
they were in a wheat field at dusk and the sky wasn't a purple color but instead it was a colorful river
of mostly red, flowing some unknown liquid with many creatures and objects of importance within. in a
place like this, however, "importance" is of little importance. the most valuable grandfather clock to
exist will intermingle with a cheap forgotten tea set, and their conversations will cross that divide
that ceases to be relevant.

: oh, i think this was supposed to be a conversation about the
people you fight with when i am around?

: you always think this way...when it crosses over from one medium
to another, this conversation
can become something totally different. what we were talking about before isn't relevant anymore anyway!

: of course...that makes sense.

: wait, that's just what i said in the last go-around!

: well, last time you had an "oh" in there too.

: sure, but that's what i said at the beginning this time, and i
don't want to overuse it.
vali was hovering midair in what seemed like a large circus tent, but instead of a normal shaped tent
with a floor and a top it was more of a parabola on both ends floating in some unknown plane. elow
vali's feet was a white hole, which all the concentric patterns seemed to flow from. the shapes and
patterns and characters took on the theatrical dog's style and told stories through jerky movements and

: it's lovely to live in media. there's nobody to talk to,
especially since honu isn't here, but it's nice. i might become tired of being alone, soon, though.

: i am always here, though.

: what a time for you to speak up, when i'm so relaxed thinking
i'm alone!

: anyways, i know this of course, but i don't really think i should
count you as a "somebody"...

: what a silly thing to say, right after qualifying honu as a

: but you know it's different, i'm talking in this
don't really count as a full being apart from me, do you? or apart from anyone?

: you all must be such conflicted people.

: i spoke too much about too much today.

: it's OK.

: i don't often see megu.

: it's OK.
it was a shame the rest of the world had to forget. how lucky vali was, though, that she got to remember
such catastrophic and historic non historic events which truly affected every single person on the real,
live, Earth! before vali had to push a fabric back onto itself, she stood atop a roof with honu,
watching the inconsequential apocalypse.

: wow, don’t you realize bold words like that make you sound
stupid? you have to use out of place metaphors. a good one would have been ‘dinner party’, but it didn’t
really fit the feel of the situation.

: i thought of that already.

: it's pride month, vali, you know what that means!

: do you want me to have like gay schizophrenia what