welcome to music!!!!!!!!!
Music shrines...just for fun. And for design practice.
Stuff for local bands hopefully to come on other sites of mine.

my true love... i discovered anco from the who could win a rabbit music video after it came up in everymanhybrid (classic anco discovery story) and i fucking haaaated it. but then in like 6 months i gave it another listen and i was like oh this isn't even so bad and then i listened to my girls and the rest is literally history AVEY TARE I OWE YOU EVERYTHING... really it's amazing what somme (literal peak fiction) slenderman webseries can lead to because anco is quite literally everything forever. i know im not on the level of those 40 yos on the subreddit who have stuck with them since 2001 but i've been a fan for like 3 or 4 years now i guess and i do not hope that changes. they inspire so much of my art and its jst like damn i can't listen to this without feeling better. favorite song is alvin row but its closely seconded by EVERY SINGLE OTHER SONG. also a big fan of like leaf house and peacebone and the basic ones yeah but all of it i love. it is so anco all the time i have more images to put here but i am already taking up a lot of space. i love anco i love the fans i love the music and the vocals and the sampling and the instruments and the jokes and the artists and everything about it is somehow all just so so good

okay yeah really this is here so i have somewhere to put the bajillion skc images i have collected. but skc is also a really fantastic band and i love them so much. don't scroll if you don't want to see blood and guns and stuff!!!