welcome to my internet highway internet nexus internet atlas...

i desparately needed a place (web page) to house all my wares (links)

This page is actually outdated by a few years, so please dont judge my cringe.

placeholder return button

lainchan - I have not gone on this in so long

heyuri - has an ayashii...creating an 'original' culture.

your world of text - spacial text board for all!!!!

collected animals - board for anco fans. One of few I wish I was active on

leftychan - leftypol

post office - I remember liking this but idk

desuchan - i forget everything about this





various experiences the internet has to offer

chris shier's art - interactive digital art pieces that are really fun to play with

substack - more interactive digital art

wired - lain will be lain

thaer - collaboration between fauux and uni, just as cool as you'd expect it to be

serotoninphobia - high-quality experiences, games, and art that embrace the digital age.

in-browser water sim - mmm water

10,000 stars
rabbit holes, indexes, and archives

peelo paalu - one of my favorite directories ever

erowid - drugs: know about them

fusion anomaly - goes very deep

text files - i've found so much cool stuff here

everynoise - music genre map

creepy wikipedia articles

playmoar wikipedia

the watson brothers - file collection in which i have found some WILD pieces

4chan flash archive


temple os - someday i'd actually like to try it. like commit to the bit

account of a serial killer - dyrbi? i'd say no but for some reason i have it written down that there's proof this is legit. no indication of what that proof might be, though.

real vampires?!

after the rapture pet care - athiests will care for your dog after the rapture, since he can't go to heaven.

dead journal - it really surprised me to find out this is still active

patrick crusade dimensions - yeah sounds right to me

dokimos - will hurt your eyes

merzo - interdimensional entities

kesultanan okusi-ambeno - a fake country post-modern psychedelia - when post-modernist content gets old enough, it's not post-modern anymore, is it?
frequently useful

yume nikki online project - online multiplayer platforms of yume nikki and most major fangames

css grid generator
tech and net

playmoar wares - various tech resources

let's decentralize - decentralization resources

cyberlife - lain fan larp syndrome but directs to some decent sites

ss64 - command line reference

wormhole - apparently good fileshare

gpt trolley

nuke map

long bets - i really love this one lol

9/11 flipbook

hacker typer

ron patrick's car - the fucking jet powered car

how to annoy people